Enrichment Programs in Little Falls
for your children’s learning success

One-on-One or Small Group Instruction
Complementary Education Program
As school schedules remain under constant change and uncertainty, families are grappling with big questions about safety and social issues. A lot of parents have realized that their kids aren’t getting all the attention they need with the craziness at school.
To alleviate some of that stress, FTC Kids in Little Falls has created an educational enrichment program that complements virtual and hybrid learning.

One-on-One or Small Group Instruction
Complimentary Education Program
We’ve designed small groups to learn and play together in our newly-expanded facility space.

what you can expect with FTC Kids Enrichment Programs in little falls
Foundational Concepts & Everyday Skills
Group Learning
Each group, or “pod”, will have a facilitator for group learning who not only assists with overseeing a curriculum provided by a school, but ensures children meet the state’s core curriculum for Math and Reading.
Program Intention
This program enforces foundational concepts and strengthens everyday skills, while also providing therapy services your child might not receive in school.
Benefits of program
By offering this type of learning at FTC in Little Falls, parents can cut down on costs while having access to additional enrichment programs that are not offered through district virtual sessions, such as handwriting boot camps, typing instruction, music and movement classes, creative building classes, and varied therapy services.
Enrollment for this program is open.
Contact us for more information regarding schedule and pricing.
Intermittently Available throughout the year
Additional FTC Kids Enrichment Programs
Periodically we conduct 6-week groups such as social skills, handwriting bootcamps, and sensory-motor camps to help fine-tune specific skills for children who might need extra help but don’t warrant additional one-to-one sessions.
Available Intermittently
+ For All Children
Handwriting Bootcamp
With this past school year being so unconventional, we at FTC have been getting so many questions on how to facilitate and improve handwriting!
This group will incorporate the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum while completing different upper extremity, hand strengthening, reflex integration, and visual-motor activities to help make handwriting fun!
This group will be run by an Occupational Therapist.
Available Intermittently
+ For All Children & Families
Parent Playtime
After a crazy year, we want to provide a space for parents and their children to come together and play while building essential foundational skills!
Parent Playtime is a great tool to help build your child’s social skills and improve their ability to follow directions from people other than their parents. This group will incorporate fun sensory activities while facilitating motor and language development.
This group will be run by either a Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, or Physical Therapist.
Available Intermittently
+ For Children of All Abilities
Sensory Social Skills Program
This group is perfect for parents looking for hands-on opportunities for their children to have safe and meaningful social interaction with same-aged peers, especially during this time of “social distancing.”
This group is intended for children of all abilities and will be run by a Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist.
Available Intermittently
+ For Children of All Abilities
Sports Groups
Our kiddos had so much fun with this group in the summer, so we’re doing it again!
This group incorporates outdoor and indoor activities and exercises. Each week focuses on specific skills necessary to play a variety of sports and also includes coordination and strengthening activities.
This group is run by a Physical Therapist.

Register for our enrichment program
To register for a currently open Enrichment Program or to express interest in a program that runs intermittently throughout the year, use the form below to reach out to us.
After registration, a member of the FTC Kids team will reach out to secure your spot.
Registration for Enrichment Program
Do you have questions?
Feel free to call us or reach out via email with any questions.
Phone: (973) 339-0141 | Email: contact@ftckids.com