A Message from FTC Kids
We here at FTC take great care to ensure the safety of our clients and staff. All persons who enter the building complete a COVID-19 related questionnaire, are screened for any symptoms in addition to temperature checks.
Everyone is required to wear face masks and children are encouraged to wear either a cloth mask or a “shield pal.”
Additionally, all staff members get regular COVID tests and most have been vaccinated. Our clinic undergoes daily cleanings and regular sanitation services offered by an outside company.
FTC Kids | COVID-19 important links
Covid-19 Waiver ➝
Covid-19 Screening ➝
Covid-19 Policies & Procedures ➝
Health & Saftey Requirements ➝
Questions? Contact Us ➝
Covid-19 Info: Policies & Procedures
Navigating the new normal can be difficult.
With the state re-opening, FTC Kids will be slowly reintroducing a small number of clients into the facility. If you have stopped therapy or teletherapy is not working for your child, we would like to offer you the opportunity to return to the facility. With guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), FTC Kids has enacted a three-phase reopening plan to help meet your personal comfort level.
Phase 1: Starting Monday June 15th: Limited clinic use. Select therapists conducting sessions. Priority sessions only. Teletherapy will continue to be available for all disciplines (OT, PT and ST)
Phase 2: Select therapists. New Clients will have the opportunity to be evaluated in the facility. No complementary screenings at this time. Teletherapy will continue to be available for all disciplines (OT, PT and ST)
Phase 3: Full Re-opening (Dates to be determined)
FTC Kids Reopening Policies and Procedures
- Following the guidelines of the state and local government, employees are required to wear face masks and full-face coverings such as protective face shields. Depending on the child’s response and parental feedback, therapists will use their discretion to determine the appropriateness of using a mask. In hopes of making our children more comfortable, FTC has purchased face shield “pals” with fun characters and animals.
- Therapists will be tested for COVID-19.
- Number of children and therapists will always be limited to ensure social distancing.
- Waiting room and parent lounge are closed until further notice. Parents will be required to drop their child off at the first-floor lobby and return to their vehicle for the duration of the therapy visit.
- Children will have their temperature taken before entering the facility.
- Children entering the facility must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the clinic.
- Toys utilized during therapy sessions must be kept to a minimum.
- All toys and equipment that are cloth are prohibited for use during this time.
- Toys or other objects that have been utilized must be cleaned directly after use.
- Employees will clean their hands before and after each client.
- UV wand will be utilized for additional disinfection.
- Air purifiers and disinfectant foggers will be used throughout the day.